Basics Of Full Line Vending Business
The trend of full line vending has recently gained a lot of popularity. Beginning in the late 1990s, large national retailers in the United States made contracts with national vending companies for a service called ‘full line vending’. However, they were unable to provide personalized service to the employees of companies or satisfy the demand for niche products.
In the 2000s, this trend saw a reversal with smaller enterprises taking up full line vending and catering to the needs of employees with personalized services. They are able to replace existing vendor’s equipment with their own by offering lower prices, better product selection including the manager’s favorite items and better servicing and maintenance.
If you are a vending operator, full line vending is a good option. The business will have various unique aspects that can be described as follows:
#1 The Antares soda/snack vending machines are willingly accepted by location owners for installation in their premises. Some may even take the initiative to call operators to request placement of vending equipment at their site.
#2 Once your vending machines have been setup at a location, it will be more or less a permanent fixture of that place. The business owners understand the difficulty involved in moving or shifting these large vending machines and won’t tell you to remove the vending machines unless you are giving low-grade service or performance.
#3 Vend counters enable tracking of vending product sales and makes it easier to keep accounts. There will be lesser chance of an employee stealing money. even the vending machines are so bulky and heavy that it is difficult to steal money from them without drawing attention of people.
#4 If you are just beginning in the vending industry, you may find that soda vending machines are quite expensive as compared to the bulk vending machines. Moreover, full line vending requires larger amount of time and effort in servicing, repair and maintenance. You will need the help of professional technical staff as the repairs may be complex in nature.
#5 When you start looking for full line vending machines, compare several vending companies and buy the equipment from a reliable source such as Planet Antares Inc. you may go for a single product or multiple product vending machine. However, a combo machine has the problem of not holding much of the products and will need frequent servicing. It is better to buy a separate soda and snack vending machine.
#6 Finding good locations is also a key factor for your vending business success. If the location owner demands a large amount of commission (upto 10%) or the vending locations are far away from one another, the cost of operations will be very high and profit earning potential will go down.
#7 You must keep an eye on new sites and places that are untapped as vending locations. Also, keep a check on the expiry date of products and ensure that only fresh, branded products are filled in your equipment.
All these things must be kept in mind while starting a full line vending business. you will also have to gather information about the tax legislations, business permits and other elements of starting a new business. do your homework and begin on the right foot for a rewarding vending machine business!